Online video

How can I make the videos produced by my company available to internet users?
Télé-Kappa, a regional television channel, produces a series of reports on the latest political, social and economic news in the region on a daily basis. The company would like to offer internet users the possibility of watching the reports that interest them on its site.
Type of client
What can Perceval offer?
Perceval set up a video sharing platform for Télé-Kappa. Each report can be uploaded on it and linked to a series of key-words: programme name, date of broadcast, type of subject, company(ies) or personality(ies) involved, and the names of the journalists who have made the report. A search engine based on these key-words allows internet users to quickly find and watch the report that interests them. A reliable hosting solution makes it possible to offer internet users a constant, quality connection well suited to online video streaming.